here are some photo's taken during my working outstations to Paitan, Sandakan. Photo taken just along main road side. Easy accessible even by a Proton Wira but the journey will takes about 2.5 hrs. Jungle are quite thick here and even some people spotted a Tiger around and along the road during night time. And this is the main road to Mamahat also to fish for big "tambaring"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ikan Kerisi ?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Lure vs Fresh Baits = Fresh Bait Win !
Tried to fish using only lure today from 3pm onwards. 2 hours gone and i stop. Didn't catch anything. Other friends keep on asking me " where's your 10 ft ?" Be patience. I replied. I cast for bottom fishing using belanak as baits. Few minutes after here is the result :
Super Fish ! I do not know what the name of this fish but Rodney will check it out. At the moment we name it " Manyung".
Why Super Fish ? This fish was landed at 5:41Pm, We went home at 6.40pm, driving to my house tooks 15minutes and this "Manyung" i kept it in a dry plastic bag. Reaching home, to my surprised, it's still alive. I quickly put it in a big container & fill with sea water to keep it alive.
Well, fresh baits win today. --- by the way congrats to Fendy who caught a baby kerapu.
This video showing the "Manyung Fish still alive"
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Believe it or Not
This afternoon Rodney ( smsed me and asking when i will be back for action ? I told him, soon..
Few days ago he caught a snack plate size Garoupa, congrats.
<<----it's Rodney in action casting a popper..
Stories like : 4 kg GT, Kerapu, 10kgs above Ikan Merah, Telinga Gajah, "Laimang", Otik, Puffer, Sembilang, Crab, Parrotfish, alu-alu, Biawak ??, etc.
Few years ago, i went to this spot fishing alone. While fishing bottom, i can see a good size fish (actually it's quite big! - but i know nobody will believe me.) swimming just in front of me almost top of the water. I was sitting on the rocky seaside. I quickly ran to a supermarket and bought a spinner spoon (no other accessories available). By the time i get back to the spot, i know, it's not there anymore.
Just one week ago i went fishing to this spot again and this time with Rodney. I cast my 10 ft for bottom and used 8 feet for casting lure .
The water tide was low. After almost an hour casting, again, i saw a fish swimming across in front of me. This time smaller. I can see it with the help of a polarized sunglasses.
It was so unlucky that i have to unhook my lure from a plastic bag (rubbish). But i didnt let my eyes off or away from the swimming fish. I can see the tail quite clear. I quickly follow few metres to the left but the fish is getting further and faster. Rodney quickly took out his popper soon he know wat is going on. Unlucky for both of us, unable to hunt it. I'll be back for more type of lures cause i know it is not bottom water type of fish.
Believe it or Not....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
GT anyone ?
It's been so long that i wanted to own a long surf rod. Surf rod 10ft above is suitable for surf casting from seaside or beaches. 27th September 2008 is the day. I bought one new 10ft surf fishing rod, new reel,use new line and sinker. I wanted a 12 to 15 ft but can't fit into my tiny car. 28 september 2008, I went to the seaside near our navy base. People caught trevally,snapper,kerapu there before. I want to give it a try. I've been fishing here quite a few times but still not satisfied. Why? unable to cast far enough. it's windy, small "belanak" as bait i cast. Feels good, much more further than my 8 ft rod.
Rodney smses & will join the hunt & experiment of my new rod. He came around 7am bringing fresh prawns as extra baits. I used that bait and as soon my sinker drop in the water, a small kerapu grab it.----------->this kerapu only about 6 inches long. What fin is that beside the kerapu...?
Seems like fresh prawn is "sellable" but it cannot withstand the pressure during the strong casting. It will breakoff in pieces...So, i change to slice of sotong.
Around 7.40am, i cast out nearer to the navy base jetty and waited. Suddenly ! my new 10ft rod vibrated..! Luckily i was sitting next beside or else. I grab the rod quickly and started reeling in. Few onlookers anxiously waiting wether i really caught a fish. Rodney came and too witnessed it (lucky for him it's live telecast).
After one 2 minute, this is the result :
Type of Fish : Trevally/ Matak ( local chinese say), Weight: 1.1kg, Small but POWERFULL.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Rough Sea..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oh No..!!! it's raining.!
hahaha..!! there's no way you can stop the rain if it want to pour down...2200 Hrs, 24th September 2008, i sms Rodney in short " hujan ni...", he replied " kansel". Early in the afternoon he told me he already bought fresh sotong & tamban as baits--( wei...Rod, is it true on your blog you stated your favourites baits is those "baits"??) for tonite fishing.
What to do, well there's none any "headline" for this time.
" tide is right
tide is nice
i cast to the right
it's kerapu mice"
What to do, well there's none any "headline" for this time.
" tide is right
tide is nice
i cast to the right
it's kerapu mice"
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Try to fish tonite..
Only angler will understand that why and when they want to go fishing. It's just like any other kind of hobbies or interest which you need to spend money and suitable time. As for me fishing at night is more convenient because i need to work full in day time. But, occasionaly will spend time fishing during weekend afternoon but i tell you those spot really getting more angler than before.
Tonight will go fishing at Wet Market Sandakan. Few days ago my friend dad's manage to catched "Kerapu Tikus +- 800Gm". Well...any news will update u all later on tonite (24th september 2008)
"Kerapu Tikus 800GM" champion of the day.."

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ikan Pisang-Pisang (local people say lar...??)

The only catch we got on that night (11 september 2008 - about 1045pm) me and
rodney at first went to the spot where a week ago he struck a kerapu ! but sadly not allowed to enter the private jetty gate....we'll be back some other time !
i got this catch on my first cast on this spot.., got excited but few more cast after that was just nibble...
Though it's small, but it's ikan merah family- i think the way, what's the actual name of this fish ahh?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Jelly fish...
This jelly fish size is almost the size of 13" tyre rim. It's not the only one we saw but there are a few floating & alive fighting normal sea waves & predator surrounding it (small fish). This picture was taken somewhere in Karamunting Oil Jetty in Sandakan. Using only cameraphone 2 MP specifications on end 24th of August 2008. Will show you guys the video...
Fishing spot in Sandakan, without going out to deep sea
Anyone interest in fishing normally have the ambition to go far out on the sea to fullfill their fishing adrenalin for bigger, better fighting fish, including myself.
But, it need budget, permission from your love one or parents, time and of course "kaki pancing" all have free time to go. Well, i still remember during my teenager time i was not allow to follow my elder brother to go fishing in the ocean, he must have a good reason for that.
Browse around this blog and i will try to upload info & photo of places i or my frens been to or xprienced, especially in Sandakan...
But, it need budget, permission from your love one or parents, time and of course "kaki pancing" all have free time to go. Well, i still remember during my teenager time i was not allow to follow my elder brother to go fishing in the ocean, he must have a good reason for that.
Browse around this blog and i will try to upload info & photo of places i or my frens been to or xprienced, especially in Sandakan...
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